Step 3: Assess partnership opportunities

Now that you have the data you need and a sense of strategies that might work, think about the partnerships that might help you achieve your goals.

The tools and resources in this section can help you think through important questions to set your program up for success. For example, for the strategy that seems promising, what partners can help you execute that strategy?


Step 3 resources

This 2019 guide from the Comprehensive Cancer Control National Partnership offers best practices for running comprehensive cancer control coalitions (CCCs). It was developed using information from a 2012 evaluation that identified high-performing CCC programs' attributes and with input from CCC coalition members and other experts across the nation.

A strategic tool from the Institute for Community Health Program Planning (iCHPP) to help practitioners and community-based organizations collect information on current and potential partnerships that are consistent with internal goals and objectives.

This resource, put together by the California Breast Cancer Research Program, includes a number of evaluation instruments to support assessment of relationships and outcomes for research partnerships, emphasizing community-based participatory research partnerships.

A network of 2,000+ partners with information about service learning, community-based participatory research, broad-based coalitions, and other partnership strategies to help improve higher education, civic engagement, and the overall health of communities.


The website also offers peer-reviewed products of community-engaged resources.

Guide developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity to help partnerships with evaluations on state nutrition, physical activity, and obesity plans, and more.

A searchable database created by the Catalogue for Philanthropy with newly accessible data and teaching tools on philanthropic and charitable efforts in Massachusetts.


The database includes information for donors, grantmakers, board members, students, and community organizations.

Presentation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that provides and describes three beneficial tools for partnership evaluations: Evaluability assessments, membership and roles, and process and functioning.